• 2020年12月8日

    DFI Systems Press Release 12-2020

  • 2020年6月26日

    Small Business COVID-19 CARES 行为 GRANT

  • 2020年4月29日


  • 2020年3月31日

    COVID-19 Business Assistance

  • 2018年12月11日

    Dominion Energy Fires Up Greensville县 Power Station

  • 二零一七年九月八日

    Governor McAuliffe Announces 55 New Jobs in Greensville县

  • 2017年4月6日

    Dominion Virginia Power Grants Award

  • 2016年11月30日

    Dominion to hold groundbreaking ceremony for $1.3 billion power station

  • 2015年9月29日

    吃豆豆 & rebooting in Virginia peanut country

  • 2015年8月20日

    行为, Greensville县 and the City of Emporia Announce Partnership Designed to Boost 劳动力

    行为, Greensville县 and the City of Emporia Announce Partnership Designed to Boost 劳动力, Sustain Economic Growth

    Through the support of the Southside Virginia 教育 Center Board of Directors, 中国澳门博彩官网和恩波里亚市与爱荷华州的非营利组织行为建立了合作伙伴关系,成为弗吉尼亚州首批获得认证的劳动力准备社区之一. Through a region-specific version of the 行为 Work Ready Communities program, 该认证将帮助社区建立基础设施和政策,支持当地劳动力发展和现有和未来客户的培训体系.

    Secretary of Commerce and Trade, Maurice Jones attended the kickoff vowing support from the Commonwealth to the communities for their efforts.  “我们能为经济发展做的最重要的事情是投资于我们的人才,让他们为21世纪的工作做好准备,” said Secretary Jones.  “I want to commend Greensville/Emporia for prioritizing this, and I look forward to helping them market their achievements to businesses looking to locate or expand in Virginia.”

     “Having a skilled and trained workforce is vital to attract business and industry to our area,——玛格丽特·李, member of the County Board of Supervisors said. “行为工作准备社区倡议是SVEC董事会和南弗吉尼亚社区学院的合理合作伙伴,以认证劳动力并为该地区带来经济机会.”  This prosperous region boats development of Virginia’s next major employment center, the Mid Atlantic Advanced Manufacturing Center, 也被称为MAMaC.

    行为 Work Ready Communities计划的核心是行为国家职业准备证书™(行为 NCRC®)。. 这个全国认可的便携式证书是基于三个基本的工作技能类别:应用数学, reading for information, and locating information. Since January 2006, more than 2.75 million Americans have earned an 行为 NCRC. Southside Virginia Community College just awarded its 20,000th creditial.

    There are three categories of 员工 on which the certification focuses. 新员工指的是初入职场的高中、大学或技术培训毕业生. Transitioning workforce are unemployed, underemployed and recent active duty military that are seeking employment. Current 员工 are already holding a position in the community.

    Taking the first step in obtaining the certification, 2015年春季, through partnership with Southside Virginia Community College, Greensville县 schools assessed a total of 257 Juniors and Seniors.  The pass rate was an astounding 89% (228) of 学生 who earned a NCRC.  The percent breakdown of NCRCs earned were approximately 29% (66) Bronze, 59%(136)银, 11% (24) Gold and 1% (2) Platinum. The credential earned will compliment a college application as well as job resume.

    The 行为 NCRC not only assists individuals, it also helps assure employers that the people they hire and promote have the skills necessary to succeed. Counties that have sustainable, ongoing certification efforts are attractive to employers in terms of economic development. 一旦获得认证,县市将通过新的商业投资和扩张来吸引和留住就业机会.

    联邦政府和弗吉尼亚社区学院都承诺支持行为工作准备社区认证项目. Southside Virginia Community College is a vital partner as well. However, it is the local citizens that will determine the success of this program. The participation of the chamber of commerce, local businesses and industries, 员工, 学生, 失业居民为社区认证而努力将有助于为社区吸引新的就业机会和投资,并使现有企业和工业继续取得成功.

    So how can the community help in our next steps to certification?  There are three plans of action that will take place over the next 24 months.


    NCRC将继续对中国澳门博彩官网高中的三年级和四年级学生进行管理,让学生有机会获得证书,以补充他们的文凭和简历. Citizens can help educate parents and 学生 on the importance of completing the test and earning a credential.


    Local Business and industry should register their support of the NCRC on the 行为 website. This will be a simple process for employers. 市和县的经济开发人员将与当地的经理和业主会面,解释该计划,并争取尽可能多的雇主的支持. 如果您有兴趣展示您的企业的支持,请联系娜塔莉Slate在县或简哈雷尔在市办公室.


    继续教育公众了解NCRC的重要性,以及它如何帮助失业者就业,这对获得证书至关重要. 与劳动力投资委员会和社会服务代表合作,将接触到那些试图找工作的个人,并利用NCRC来促进这些努力. 工商部门可以通过认识到NCRC的重要性,并优先考虑获得证书的申请人来帮助实现这一目标,这对新员工和公司都有利.


    如果您是对NCRC感兴趣的个人,或者您是一位业务经理,并希望测试您的员工,请联系弗吉尼亚南区社区学院的Debra Smiley.  She will be happy to help you through the process.

    “我们已经为行为 Work Ready社区倡议建立的全国势头将通过这种伙伴关系得到加强,黛布拉·莱昂丝说, 行为 vice president for community and economic development. “We share the same purpose—supporting job creation and economic development—so this is a logical fit. We were pleased to welcome the Greensville县 and the City of Emporia to our program.”

  • 2015年3月16日

    Governor McAuliffe Announces 113 New Jobs in Greensville县


    Date:  2015年3月16日


    Office of the Governor

    Contact: Rachel Thomas



    Virginia Economic Development Partnership

    Contact: Suzanne Clark


    Email: Sclark@yes维吉尼亚州.org



    Contact:  Robin Parker

    Phone:   (877) 510-NANO(6266)  x1



    Governor McAuliffe Announces 113 New Jobs in Greensville县

    ~ 510纳米合并 to invest $11 million to relocate headquarters and establish manufacturing operation ~


    RICHMOND - Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today that 510纳米合并, a developer of renewable energy projects and technologies, will invest $11 million to relocate its headquarters and establish a manufacturing operation in Greensville县. The company will construct a 100,000-square-foot manufacturing facility for the production of solar 面板 in Greensville县 Industrial Park. The project will create 113 new jobs.


    Speaking about today’s announcement, Governor McAuliffe said, “Environmental and economic sustainability are top priorities in the new Virginia economy we are building, 在中国澳门博彩官网获得510nano的总部和新的太阳能电池板制造业务对联邦和经济困境的社区来说是一个巨大的胜利. The advanced manufacturing and alternative energy industries provide jobs of the 21st century, and this tremendous project fits into my administration’s platform to create more opportunities in both sectors. We celebrate this great investment and addition of 113 new jobs, and welcome 510nano to Greensville县 and Virginia.”


    “510nano是独一无二的, innovative company that develops green technology solutions that are critical to the future of energy in Virginia,莫里斯·琼斯说, Virginia Secretary of Commerce and Trade. “Greensville县 is a great fit for the company’s headquarters and new manufacturing operation, offering a site that meets the company’s needs and a robust workforce and manufacturing industry cluster. We are confident that 510nano will continue to grow its strategic vision from its new Virginia location.”


    510纳米合并是一家清洁技术创新者,专门从事商业和公用事业规模可再生能源发电厂(repp)的开发和运营。, along with the design of associated modules, 面板, 以及其他硬件. Since its founding in 2005, 510nano has developed more than 30 clean technologies in various stages of commercialization. In 2008 the company began generating steady development, 咨询, and management fees as a turnkey power plant developer. In 2012 510nano began deploying its own capital, starting with two rooftop systems on a long-term revenue contract with the Town of Los Gatos, 加州, and culminating in 2014 with the delivery of 510 REPP One LLC, a commercial-scale plant in Garysburg, 北卡罗莱纳. The company has deployed third-party off-the-shelf technology at three solar farms producing over 2.2 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of power in an average year.  


    “太阳能VIA是我们设计的一项技术,可以在没有补贴的情况下将太阳能发电成本降低到每千瓦时6美分以下,”医生说。. Reginald Parker, President & 510nano公司首席执行官. “The manufacturing home for the technology needs to be strategic and meaningful. With great access to I-95, Hampton Roads and rail, we see Greensville县, Virginia as an ideal home for the manufacturing site for Solar VIA, the headquarters for our solar energy business, and our energy research and technology center. 另外, we felt that Greensville offered an attractive labor force, strategic nearby partners, and a great name for a green innovation company. This big step is more than a great opportunity. It is a renewable energy achievement for Virginia and the nation at large.”


    弗吉尼亚州经济发展伙伴关系与中国澳门博彩官网和弗吉尼亚州增长联盟合作,确保了弗吉尼亚州的这个项目. Governor McAuliffe approved a $200,000 grant from the Governor’s Opportunity Fund to assist Greensville with the project. The Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission approved $635,000 in Tobacco Region Opportunity Funds for the project. The company may also be eligible to receive state benefits from the Virginia Enterprise Zone Program, administered by the Virginia Department of 住房 and Community Development. 支持公司员工培训活动的额外资金和服务将通过弗吉尼亚州就业投资计划提供.


    中国澳门博彩官网监事会很高兴510nano公司选择在我们的社区落户,佩吉·威利说, Chairman of the Greensville县 Board of Supervisors. "During the past several years when the economy was not at its best, the County put an emphasis on investing in our economic development resources, such as the development of land and utilities and educational opportunities for our workforce. These assets are vital to bringing new companies like 510nano to the area. The County also participates in marketing on a regional level through a membership in the Virginia Growth Alliance. 510nano是中国澳门博彩官网在2015年发布的第二份公告,我们期待在不久的将来发布更多的公告."

    “I am pleased that 510nano chose to invest in Greenville County,” said Delegate Terry Kilgore, Chairman of the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission. “这些是R&D jobs that the Tobacco Commission looks for, which it turn helps to diversify our economy.”


    “Economic development remains a top priority in the Commonwealth, and I am thrilled that 510纳米合并 will bring new jobs and investment to Greensville县,参议员L说。. 露易丝·卢卡斯.

    “Jobs and economic development remain a priority for my 75th District and the Commonwealth of Virginia,” said Delegate Roslyn Tyler. “我很高兴510nano公司选择中国澳门博彩官网作为他们的总部,并将在弗吉尼亚州南部创造113个新工作岗位, and it will also be an excellent economic boost to our county.”

  • 2015年2月3日

    New Jobs and Investment in Greensville县

  • 二零一四年十一月七日

    Governor McAuliffe Announces $300,000 Local Innovation Grant

  • 2014年2月4日

    Mid-Atlantic Advanced Manufacturing Center Receives Two Grants to Expand Otterdam Road

    弗吉尼亚州烟草委员会已经向中国澳门博彩官网(MAMaC)授予了第四笔超过4美元的赠款.400万年. The award, serving as a match to $3.3 million grant award from the Virginia Department of 运输, completes funding for the expansion of Otterdam Road to serve the site from I-95. Greensville县, 梅克伦堡县和恩波里亚市是地区工业设施管理局的合作伙伴,旨在支持该基地的发展. The localities 提交ted a joint application to the Tobacco Commission for this funding opportunity.

  • 2013年6月24日


    Virginia Department of 运输 has awarded Greensville县 a $3.300万美元的拨款,用于通过收入分享计划扩建奥特丹路,为中国澳门博彩官网服务.


访问 the Greensville县 Website


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